by: David R. Teter, J.D., D.C.L.
-BATON ROUGE, LA (Wed, September 19, 2018).
On August 8, 2018 the National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (NAMSAP) in Baton Rouge issued an alert to members regarding an informal discussion they had with the CMS regarding a potential LMSA review process in third-party liability settlements. Today, NAMSAP issued a clarification bulletin advising that [1]:
In consideration of those statements, the position of the CMS regarding lawyers protecting Medicare’s interests in third-party liability settlements remains ambiguous. Until hard and fast regulations are passed by Congress or the CMS creates a mechanism for LMSA reviewal, attorneys may continue to depend upon their due diligence and good faith actions in these matters to protect themselves and their clients from liability.
[1] Ton Stanley, William Delaney, et al., NAMSAP Special Bulletin: Liability Medicare Set Asides, National Alliance of Medicare Set-Aside Professionals (Sep. 19, 2018) (from: